aka "Just me rejoining the blogging world..."
Still my musings on life as interpreted by me...

Friday, October 24, 2008

"What do you mean you're not voting" The sequel...

This is a response to one of Christina of Tenchi's Thoughts blogs:

All I have is two words: Thank you.

My friends (and I, regretfully) are constantly getting into huge arguments about politics, and none of us can vote. And the one girl who can vote stays out of the arguments. The worst fight was yesterday, which was the result of a McCain speech/rally near my town, three of my friends skipping to go, and a sea of McCain supporters (including one really close-minded old woman) in our local Panera. What started out as some friendly jokes (mostly including some variation of the word 'maverick') quickly escalated into an argument which then turned into a heated debate between two of my friends that ultimately resulted in my "McCain friend" angrily storming out of said Panera.

All over something none of us have any say in, as the girl who can vote wasn't there, and of course, I, like Christina, am a resident of that election anomaly we all know as Florida.

Oh, and another thought on the Random McCain Woman (who quite reminded me of the Crazy McCain Rally Lady...). After approaching my two friends wearing their newly acquired McCain/Palin shirts, and commending them on what "a good choice they made" and "what smart boys they were", this woman lingered long enough for my other friend, and fellow Obama supporter (as I was keeping quite a tight lip), to make several snarky shots at Sarah Palin in front of her, all of which completely flew over her head and she responded by agreeing with my friend's jokes.

Another thought on the jokes/argument/debate that occurred: We make fun of one of my friends (the aforementioned "McCain friend") to an extreme degree because of his party hopping and newly acquired title as a fiscal conservative. I make fun of him because while he is a fiscal conservative and is uber-concerned about Obama's tax plans (I affectionately call him ___ the Student, as he has no job) he has no job, as I said, pays no taxes, and I'm about 99.9% sure his parents don't even fall into the $250,000 salary bracket. And these are his only grounds for supporting McCain. Oh, and he used to support Hilary Clinton, but he thinks Obama is a communist.

From what I heard about the rally, it was quite a show. McCain was there, Palin was not. So while Palin is not there, someone took it upon themselves to distribute highly chauvinistic buttons with Palin's face (but not her body) on them. While I highly dislike Sarah Palin, I feel that this is degrading and frankly it kinda pisses me off.

Well those are my thought for the moment.


1 Comment:

Christina said...

I think that when it comes to people you know personally, people should really not attack their political views. i mean, i tease my mother all the time about her...love for Palin, but she is allowed to think the way she does.

when it comes to people on tv who act like their opinion is the only one that matters, then i am okay with making fun of them. actually, i am okay with making fun of everyone, but it safer when they don't know me. :)

it makes me really happy that young people (listen to me say that 0_0) care about voting. i mean, people who actually have a chance to vote and don't live in florida :P

i like it better on SNL when both parties are there getting made fun of, twice the laughs. :)


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