aka "Just me rejoining the blogging world..."
Still my musings on life as interpreted by me...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer 2009

As I sit here, eating my delicious grocery store pizza, I was thinking, "It's that time again..."

What time you ask? It's summer, silly.
And summer for me means convention season.

But this is not just any ol' summer, this is the summer after my senior year of high school. Yep, I graduated all right. This summer is special for a variety of reasons:
1) This is the summer of my 6th year of cosplaying...woo woo!
2) Due to some...erm, scheduling conflicts...I am only able this year to cosplay at Anime Festival Orlando.
3) Due to reason #2, I decided to try and go above and beyond and add some firsts to my accomplishments:
first number 1: new biggest group- this one just kinda seems doomed from the start in my eyes, I've tried coordinating a big group before, didn't work so well...but I am determined to make it work (in the words of Tim Gunn) this year.
first number 2: first time attempting a 3 costume weekend. now I usually do attend cons all three days, but I usually just wear street clothes on fridays and saturdays, but not this year. due to my lack of other con cosplays, I've decided to cram them all into one weekend! sound crazy, you bet it is.
first number 3: first cosplays not made from walmart fabric. now this one I'm truly sad about. some genius, assumedly at walmart corporate headquarters, decided that killing the walmart fabric department was a good idea. I'm currently investigating if this was a county-wide thing (we have about 5 walmarts or so) or just in my town. If it is county-wide, I will have to attempt my brand of low-budget, high-quality cosplay at JoAnn Fabrics. It'll probably end up being more like high-budget, high-quality cosplay. I'm most angry at the fact that I probably won't be able to find a light beige-cream color to match my Kirara kimono to make the tail...

Well, that's about all I have to say on that for now, I'll be sure to update my blog with how I'm slowly losing my sanity on the weeks leading up to the convention. And then, of course, is the con review. This summer should be fun...


1 Comment:

Christina said...

AFO XD Yay for AFO and the green ranger. I am hoping the turn out is better this year due to it being earlier in the summer and not like the day before school comes back.

i am trying to think about the walmarts near me and i know one of them doesn't have a fabric section. one did but i haven't been to that store recently. :( sadness, i sorry.


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