aka "Just me rejoining the blogging world..."
Still my musings on life as interpreted by me...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Like moths to a flame...

Like the Dane Cook joke about car accidents, people are apparently as equally drawn to fire trucks in neighborhoods.

So I'm driving home from school today, and there's like a firetruck on one side of the street, parked, and the mailman on the other, idling. My first thought is, 'shit, how am I gonna get around them' but apparently the other people on my street's first thought is, 'oo lets go outside and attempt to be inconspicuous while we try to be the annoying brownnosers that we are'. As I mentioned, the mailman had just finished hitting like one half of the block, so my fair neighbors were "getting the mail" while they attempting to figure out what was going on with the big yellow firetruck on the corner. It was almost as bad as if a garage sale had just started setting up. Everyone-- kids, old people, young people, middle aged people-- was "coming out of the bushes", as Dane Cook would say, just to see what was going on. I could really have cared less, nothing was on fire, there were no police, nothing seemed to be an eminent danger to my well-being. So I just drove on to my house, successfully navigating the fire truck-mailman slalom, and my house is within visual distance of the house in question, actually got my mail, and then went inside.

So my rant is complete, and just needed to write this because it amazes me how nosy people can be...


Monday, September 29, 2008

Teh Senior Year Blues

Well, let me first start off by saying, my mild heart palpitations have ceased now that I know my beloved Cosplay Lab isn't dead...that at least puts a smile on mah face (which will now be expressed by this nifty emoticon). :)

But to address the title of this post...school blows. Everyone I know was all like "OMG senior year is SOOOOO easy". I'm here to say, yeah right. Clearly these people have never fallen victim to the soul eater known across the globe as the International Baccalaureate Program, or not-so-affectionately known as I.B.

I even dropped two core classes, and I still think that it's harder than last year, which was supposed to be the "hardest year". For a slim margin of the time, its not so bad...but for some reason this week, my teachers have an affinity with Wednesday. I have two major point assignments due, one minor, and a test.

So I'm severely hoping that the college credit is worth it...


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello World!!

Hello all...I'm chiisai_kitty, and I know I could have left out the underscore, but I've started to identify with it over the years...

As you may have guessed from my title, I am rejoining the blogging population. I used to have a livejournal eons ago, but I let it go. But now I'm back, with more stuff to say, ready to show my opinionated self off to the interweb :)

On here I will talk...and sometimes rant...about life, cosplaying, and generally things that tend to piss me off (hey, it happens to everyone...right?)

To quickly clear up somethings: 1) I am a girl; 2) I am a liberal; 3) I am a young adult
These facts influence some of my thoughts (mostly numbers 1 and 2)...just giving a heads up :)



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